Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hindsight - 2008

With 2 weeks still to go in 2008 maybe i'm jumping the gun, but whatever, its been a slow week. Going back to Jan 1, 2008, if I compare where I thought I would be on Dec 31, 2008 with where I actually will be, you’d wonder how I even manage to put pants on in the morning. But it just goes to show you how much can change in just one year’s time. It was soon after the new year that a friend told me about the IDM fellowship which started the chain of events that led to me sitting in an office on the coast of Africa n 35 degree weather as we get ready to welcome 2009.

The 2 halves of the year provided such stark contrasts and differences that its hard to believe it all happened in a span of 12 months. I remember last winter – the snow! (who doesn’t?). I remember shovelling A LOT of snow! And somewhere in between shoveling I remember the frantic week in which I put together my last minute application for this fellowship with the help of 3 people specifically (you know who you are) and the euphoria of finally sending it off. I remember taking off Vegas/LA/San Fran in February right after I had found out that I had been selected for an interview. What a blast that trip was. 3 days on the strip where I managed to at least come away with my shirt (probably lost more at the bar than I did at the casino) and then flying through the desert in a red convertible to LA to find that my head was completely sunburned from the desert sun and then the 10 hour journey up the pacific coast highway to san fran hugging the pacific ocean the entire way (when it wasn’t covered in fog). Some San Fran goodness and then the harsh return to Toronto where I was met with 40cm. of snow to shovel. I finally learned the meaning of a winter getaway!

The anticipation of waiting to hear back took over March and finally in the first few days of April, I remember picking my parents up from the airport after they returned from India and bringing them home and just casually checking my email after we got home only to find an offer for the fellowship (to which I reacted with a HOLY CRAP!). I’m not sure if I should admit this, but even after I received my offer, it took me about a week before I finally decided to accept it given my environment in Toronto. But my challenge was also my good fortune and it was only through the support of my family and friends that I decided to do this.

Sad goodbyes in May to friends and colleagues but also excitement as I arrived in Ottawa to meet my fellow interns. I remember arriving at the residence in Ottawa, only to find that my room was not ready and I had 3 hours to kill. Not knowing who was who in the building I did what any brown guy would do – search out other brown people. Enter Nadim and Khalfan who were also stuck waiting. Spending the next 3 hours waiting with them, I realized, these guys are even crazier than me (which is little more than I can say for the entire group – love you guys), but it definitely sold me to the fact that yea this is gonna be pretty cool. The next month in Ottawa meeting new people, learning new things, just like being in school again (which I totally miss, so everyone who told me I would, you’re right). Sleeping…I mean sitting through classes, and enjoying summer in Ottawa. Spending a month in Ottawa made me realize why I really do love that city (despite the winter horror). Farewell’s near the end of June to the group as we prepared to spread out across the world and as we were told “be the Canada the world needs more of”.

A relaxing month off in june/july where I spent a large amount of time sitting outside in my backyard patio/hammock/grass to enjoy the last few bits of Canadian summer and just building up in anticipation. An amazing send off at the start july where I was surrounded by my closest family and friends (and a large quantity of alcohol, which thanks to 3am pancakes didn’t result in a bad hangover) and then finally! my departure date on july 14th. The story from there on is laid out in the last 30 some odd posts.

But, the year is not over, Friday is my last day of work before 2 weeks of holidays where a bunch of friends are coming to Mombasa, followed by a safari in the Ngorongoro crater in Tanzania, and then to Zanzibar for new years. 2008 seems like such a random sequence. Do you ever stop and think about how you got to the point where you are right now? One of my roommates commented last week that it seems like we’re living a surreal life here, at first I didn’t understand what she meant but I think now it seems as if I didn’t really live it, as if someone else was actually living it and I was somehow in watching it from an out of body experience. Sound crazy? maybe...but I think I get it now. I can try and think or predict where I’ll be at the end of 2009, but..whats the point? i'm here for the ride.


Heids said...

i remember the first time i looked back at a year of my crazy life that was so far from anything i could have imagined and realized from that point forward that planning was pointless. since then i've trusted that the universe would spin in my favour and i'd end up in the most perfect, unreal, and unexpected positions and places that i could never "plan" for - and here i am in tajikistan. i have enjoyed your reflection on this point and remembering what that feeling was like for me to. thanks.

Unknown said...

It's so strange to think how fast the year flew by and how you can sum it all up in 6 paragraphs or so....but you're right, we barely have time to reflect before the moments just fly by us!

So, if it makes you feel any better - we're sitting in 20cms of snow today with another 20 expected tomorrow. I can't even leave my house cuz the sharp snow hitting my face on the walk to the grungy subway hurts too much...At this point I can't even remember what 35degrees feels like! wanna switch?? haha